Shoppes Directory

Lung Yuet Cosmetics Pharmacy
Lung Yuet Cosmetics Pharmacy is a specialty retailer for one-stop skin care, cosmetics, health supplements, household daily necessities & baby formula and diaper. Lung Yuet Cosmetics Pharmacy delivers an extraordinary shopping experience to customer.
Location: Shop G65, G/F, Sands Macao
Tel: +853 2884 3858
Time: 9:00am – 7:00pm
Location: Shop G65, G/F, Sands Macao
Tel: +853 2884 3858
Time: 9:00am – 7:00pm
Parking Service
• Self-parking:
First hour: MOP $25;Per 24 hours: MOP $300.
From 1st June 2024, guests can enjoy 5 hours free self-parking share among at The Venetian Macao, The Parisian Macao, The Londoner Macao or Sands Macao per day.